Fit4Life Monroe County's Finest Fitness Center For All Ages And Abilities

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Fit4Life Member of the Month
February 2024
February 2024 Member of the Month
Tim Fuhrmann

"I retired at the end of February, 2017 from Gundersen Health Services, after putting in over 20 years of addictions and mental health counseling services in both Tomah and Sparta. Back then I would walk about 4 to 5 days a week, outside, no matter what the weather was. I would walk 2 hours a day.

I'm 72 years young. Each winter was getting harder to walk as snow, ice, and sleet would have me fall on the road or sidewalk, several times per season. This was a concern of my family. My wife Judy suggested I obtain a membership in a gym where I wouldn't have to worry about falling or hurting myself. She has been going to "FIT" for about 10 or more years. Thus, the last six years I've been using the facilities at FIT 4 LIFE.

I am a night owl and like to wake up early each day and off to FIT 4 LIFE I'd go. Usually, my hours started at 3:00 AM to 4:00 AM for a one-to-two-hour workout. I go for the cardio. I find, going as early as I do, the pick of all the machines is available to me. So is the choice of parking spots outside. It seems I have a "race" between the Campus Food & Sandwich truck and myself to see who gets there first.

Yes, I've lost some weight. My choice of machine is the tread mill where you can watch one of 5 or more TVs each day. I'm usually the only one at the gym, so it's nice and quiet. Dave and Ann run a first-rate company with a clean gym and new/updated equipment. As I've said above, the only machine I like to use is the tread mill for about an hour per day. I have more energy and "kick" because of it. I get good reports each year from my annual physical and doctor. I am living a healthy lifestyle with the help of FIT 4 LIFE."

-Tim Fuhrmann

(SEE Past Members of the Month-CLICK HERE)
