"I joined the Women’s Gym when I was 55. Some of the things I read and was told by women in my life were true because they were happening to me. Fatigue, physically weaker, weight gain. You know it, the almighty midriff and even my posture. Then in turn it affected my self-esteem.
I couldn’t have that happen any longer and thank goodness I am not. Thanks to Ann, Angela and Dave too. They are my educators, motivators and my cheerleaders to have a better physical, mental and emotional life...because that is what the Women’s Gym does for me and I know other women at this gym who feel the same as well.
We are all women here and that is so nice. I am not perfect and the beauty of it is it’s not expected. So just get here. You will be glad you did. I know I am...Oh and I love the recipes and tips we get on the Facebook page.”
-Tamera Dovenberg