Fit4Life Monroe County's Finest Fitness Center For All Ages And Abilities

 Member of the Month
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Fit4Life Member of the Month
March 2016
March 2016 Member of the Month       March 2016 Member of the Month
Sandy Smith

"I decided 14 months ago to lose 80lb by the time my son graduated in May 2016. I saw a Facebook Ad for the Boot Camp and decided to give it a try. I contacted Fit4Life and talked to Ann and she got me all set up. Boot Camp is fabulous for all levels because these girls were awesome and so encouraging. Through coming to Boot Camp and learning to use the different pieces of equipment at the gym I’ve learned to love exercise.

It is not overwhelming walking into the gym anymore. I feel right at home; like I belong there. I actually feel better and have more energy to do stuff after I have been at the gym in the morning.

I highly encourage anyone to give Fit4Life a try. It truly is a life changing experience. It has been for me.

I am also happy to report I reached my 1st goal of 80 lbs. Now I am on to another goal. It also helps to have the best trainers around. Thanks Ann and Dave for all you have done for me.


The #1 reason I love being in this business is seeing people who change their lives. There are SO MANY women out there like Sandy that are stuck battling their eating habits and dislike of exercise and themselves. Sandy made the decision to go beyond her fears and self-doubts and give us a call.

Helping Sandy change her life was simply two things: 1. Helping her learn to like, then love exercise. 2. Helping her like, then love eating healthy. Sandy started to Love exercise quickly as she was always at bootcamp class and pushed herself during class.

Sandy’s work has paid off with losing 80 pounds and looking like and feeling like a different person!

Congrats Sandy on your new Lifestyle and discovering the REAL Sandy!

-Dave, owner

(SEE Past Members of the Month-CLICK HERE)
