“I have always tried to be active in one way or another. I walk, play tennis, racquetball, golf, basketball. I like knowing that I can do whatever comes to mind. As we get older we are realizing the benefits of strength training."
-Bob Smith, 63
Bob and his wife Lynda are a shining example of a couple that realizes the importance of physical activity and have made a commitment to be active. During the warm months, they can be seen riding their bikes to the gym--which not too many others do. I have also played basketball with Bob and he does a great job keeping up with men 20 years or more younger than him! Furthermore, Bob has endured some back problems that often causes others to withdraw from exercise. Bob however knows that staying active and physically fit is the best long-term strategy to keep his back healthy to continue participating in all the activities he enjoys. Congratulations Bob….keep up the great work in the gym!