Fit4Life Monroe County's Finest Fitness Center For All Ages And Abilities

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Fit4Life Member of the Month
February 2007
February 2007 Member of the Month
Reenie Schauf

“Fit4Life continues to offer everything needed for someone like me who wants to remain physically active in retirement. Dave is constantly accommodating his members inviting their questions, which receive quick, honest answers. With the training provided by Sheri, I am comfortable using any of the machines or lifting weights in the “free-weights room”.

And it isn’t only the staff; all those words of encouragement from other members are appreciated when you can’t seem to find that internal motivation. Meeting the physical challenges of a workout gives me a personal sense of accomplishment and prepares me for the outdoor activities I enjoy.

Thanks to Dave and Sheri physical exercise is an integral part of my schedule. Life is good, but with Fit4Life it’s even better!” -Reenie Schauf, 56

Reenie started here in Sheri’s Loseit4Life program. She was able to lose 20 pounds. By incorporating exercise and strength training into her weekly routine, Reenie has successfully kept off the weight for two years. Reenie looks great…and that healthy glow and spring in her step is surely evident to friends and family.

Reenie is a great example of a woman in her 50’s who decided to make exercise a part of her life. Not just a few strength machines a couple times a week, but challenging free-weight lifting. I truly believe that strenuous strength training can “turn back the clock”. I didn’t know Reenie before she started in Sheri’s program, but I wouldn’t be surprised if someone or several people have thought to themselves or even commented to Reenie that she looks 10 years younger now.

Reenie is an inspiration to all the women her age in Sparta who have “given up” and are letting time, gravity and overeating destroy their bodies & health. Why not feel like you’re 35 again? With a little effort and commitment over time, Reenie is living proof that it can be done! Congratulations Reenie!
-Dave Erickson, owner

(SEE Past Members of the Month-CLICK HERE)
