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Body-for-Life The Body-for-Life Transformation Challenge

What is the 12-Week Body-for-Life Challenge?
The 12-Week Body-for-Life Challenge is an incentive contest organized by EAS (Experimental and Applied Sciences) a supplement company founded by the author of Body-for-Life Bill Phillips. Each year EAS awards $1 million in prizes to those who have accepted the challenge and transformed their physiques and lives as the result of following his proven eating and exercise method. You don't have to be an athlete or in good shape to take the challenge--that's what's great about it, it's for regular people who want to change their bodies!
Read the Body-for-Life book and log onto

How does the program work?
It really isn't a "program" but a process of changing habits and beliefs about exercise and eating. A Fit4Life success coach will help you in your transformation journey--learning new eating and exercise habits for life by following the Body-for-Life method.

What will we be doing?
The first week we'll take measurements, establish goals, and learn the Training-for-Life and Nutrition-for-Life methods outlined in the Body-for-Life book. We'll also go through a "Success Workbook" to make sure you're doing everything you need to do to maximize your success. We'll meet 3 days a week for weight training and you'll be responsible for 20 minutes of aerobic activity 3 days a week.

What can I expect from completing the 12-Week Body-for-Life Challenge?
Expect to lose 1-3 pounds of fat per week and gaining 3-6 pounds of muscle depending on your size and goals. But most importantly you'll finish the 12-week challenge with transformed exercise and eating habits which will make maintaining what you've accomplished an automatic part of your new life. And you might even come away with your share of the $1 million in prize money!

How does the training work and what does it cost?
We will train in groups of two which gives you the many benefits of training with a partner. If you don't have a partner, we'll help match you up with someone with similar goals and abilities. You will be taught safe and proper exercise technique on all exercises and be pushed and motivated by a Fit4Life trainer. The cost per person is $199 per 12 training sessions. There are 36 training sessions over the 12-week challenge.

Photos of past Body-for-Life participants here at Fit4Life